
Book Buddy

As you write your 30,000-word book over approximately three months, you will send it to your BookBuddy in 10 sections. They will read, make notes on content, style and structure, and feed back to you in 10 one-hour recorded calls. Between calls, you will have unlimited email access to your BookBuddy, for emergency questions and problems.


Be More Productive

With the help of your BookBuddy, you will plan and create a realistic and achievable writing schedule. As deadlines will be agreed in advance, this gives you a sense of accountability to your writing coach, and ensures you get the work done.


Gain a Writing Mentor

The writing journey can be a lonely one. Working with a BookBuddy gives you someone to bounce ideas off, share high points with, and pick you up from the inevitable writing blues. As well as moral support you also get expert feedback on everything you write.


Write a Better Book

Your book is important and your ideas deseve to be represented in the best possible way. Work with a BookBuddy to write a solid first draft of your book, ready for a professional edit and publication.