
Develop a winning book idea

The best books begin with a perfect plan. If you want to write a book that commands attention, makes an impact and increases your influence, you need professional advice and guidance right from the start. A solid plan will also enable you to write your book more quickly and easily because all your content is already mapped out in a robust and comprehensive way.

Once we’ve worked with you to devise a winning title and define your book’s big promise, we’ll help you to create a detailed book framework, chunking your target wordcount into 400- to 1,000-word pieces. This framework will act as your “write-by-numbers” blueprint and enable you to get your book written faster, and with fewer blocks. Specific outcomes include a compelling title and sub-title, a 300- to 400-word book pitch that  explains your big idea and the key benefits to readers, and the book framework (setting out all the key information chapter-by-chapter).


Get Noticed

Without the attention of your target readers, your book will fail to make a difference. Once you’ve devised your book using our system, it will be designed from day one to hook your audience and differentiate your message.


Attract Business Opportunities

A unique, well packaged and well positioned book will endow you with star quality in your industry and ensure you get noticed for all the right reasons. Say something really different with your book, and opportunities and clients will seek you out.


Make More Money

Getting your book’s message right is one of the most powerful ways to raise your value, increase your fees and attract clients you’d love to work with. The right book is your key to greater influence, higher impact and more income.